About the Pitch
Submitted By: Development Activities of Society-DAS
Name of the Solution: Non-Formal Education for Children
The Pitch in One Sentence:
Provide Basic Literacy for 300 disadvantaged children of age 8-14 years living in the Mahammadpur, Dhaka slums area who dropped out or never enrolled in primary schools.
The Initiative in Photo:

Summary of the Pitch
o get access to primary education for 300 underprivileged children, the pitch solution will provide non-formal primary education for 3 years duration by 5 centers in the Mahammadpur slums, Dhaka.
What specific problem is this initiative trying to solve?
Access to Primary Education for children living in Mahammadpur slums, Dhaka
Details of the Pitched solution
Non-Formal Education (NFE) organized educational activities outside the formal education system. It is simple and flexible and can be delivered at any place convenient to the learners. It is generally designed to meet the basic learning needs of disadvantaged groups and can be availed of at any age. NFE is provided to those sections of the community who have no access to or are dropped out of formal education. As a signatory to the World Declaration on ‘Education for All by 2000’ and the ‘World Summit on Children’, Bangladesh is committed to expanding educational opportunities for children, youth, and adults. A nationwide program of mass literacy-cum-adult education was launched in February 1980 and a basic structure of non-formal education was created in 1991 with the introduction of the Integrated Non-formal Education Program (INFEP) scheme aimed at achieving long-term education. The country has a very high level of illiteracy although its constitution recognizes basic education as a fundamental right and universal primary education as a basic state policy. But it is not possible to bring all sections of the people under the formal education system. A large number of children cannot enter the formal education system due to various reasons. A substantial number of dropouts also cannot get back to school. A non-formal basic education program is necessary to address their needs. Imparting non-formal education at hours suitable for them is the only practical way of making them functionally literate. The lack of basic education amongst the majority of the population, especially the rural poor, is a major hindrance to the progress of human development. At this backdrop, the NGOs started programs of Non-Formal Education in addition to poverty alleviation and other development activities. Bangladesh is a poverty-ridden country in South Asia. 40% of people are living below the poverty line and 20% of them are leading ultra-poverty life. People are struggling for survival every moment. Though the Government of Bangladesh has taken various steps to provide primary education to all children of school-going age, due to the poor socioeconomic status of their parents/guardians and geographical specificities a significant number of children are dropped out and never enrolled in primary schools. Through this project along with Basic Literacy for out-of-school children of 8-14 years age group, Life Skills education, reading & writing skills, co-curricular activities including sports, and any other relevant innovations will be provided. The literacy rate has increased to 78 percent in 2021 against 16.8 percent in 1971, but there is still no equal literacy rate in all areas. As DAS is already implementing an NFPE project in the proposed area as a co-partner of BRAC, DAS wants to play a role in realizing the government’s commitment. ‘Education for All’. Effective and active community participation is essential to sustain the program. Hence, it is obvious that the target group approach with a participatory is more effective to achieve the objective of the project. The information sharing method may help the organization to set the strategy for the project implementation as well as the community to take necessary preparation for participating in the project activities. This method will help the community to be enthusiastic and cordial regarding the project activities. They will understand the benefit they are going to get from the proposed project. They will be serious and careful to use the facilities in the best interest of their life. A baseline survey is one of the important activities of the project. The survey will help to get information on the availability of the targeted learners as well as to know the status of the learners. It will also help to know when these children utilize their time for primary education and how they can use their skills. Keeping this thing in mind DAS will develop an information collection sheet/ questionnaire for conducting the survey. In order to identify a suitable place for Learning Center, DAS will use Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) by which a convenient place for the Learning Center could be selected. With the support of the local elected representative, if government / Khas land is possible it also might be a space to make a Learning Center. A Center Management Committee is essential that will be formed with the community people. All kinds of physical facilities will be arranged for the implementation of the project with their cooperation. Beyond the implementing organization’s monitoring system, a participatory system can be developed where the community is in the driving seat. There will be tools through which the community will measure the performance of implementing agencies so that they always feel their responsibility to the community. The cooperation, support, and necessary advice of the administration and local government is absolutely necessary for the implementation of the proposed program. For effective teaching especially, for drop-out and the never enrolled children and adolescents, appropriate teaching materials and equipment along with skilled teachers are very important. There is a provision of training for the supervisors to build their capacity, along with a supply of teaching materials and equipment for effective learning, and to provide school dress and school bags to grow their interest in learning. Successfully implementing a project depends on staff performance. So DAS is very much conscious to appoint skilled and confident staff that will be completed within 30 days after the survey of the project area of the duration of one month.
Impact and Beneficiaries of the Pitched Solution
The primary beneficiaries of the proposed project are 300 disadvantaged out-of-school children aged 8-14 years. Getting access to primary education with basic literacy, life skills development support, enhancement of reading and writing skills, provision of co-curricular activities including sports, and any other relevant innovation empowers them to cope with life. Therefore, not only 300 families but also the country and the community will be indirectly benefited from the increase in the education rate. NFE schools are located near learners’ homes which reduces the time spent on going to and returning from school. The long-term objective is to make NFE a complementary process in the human resource development strategy. The main objective of the project was to introduce an NFE system to supplement and complement the formal education system. NFE expansion in Bangladesh resulted in increased enrolment in primary schools and an ever-increasing adult literacy rate. This education will escape children’s life by forcing them to perform hazardous work in the hope of some additional income. Most of the children are forced to lead a life of slavery working in the name of child laborers in the lathe, toxic chemical industry, welding shops, garages, hotels, and shops. To run these 10 learning centers for the 300disadvantaged children at least BDT 50(Fifty) will be required. The children who dropped out or never enrolled in primary schools usually get involved in anti-social activities due to the environment or lack of education. This educational opportunity makes the children or their families interested and encouraged to pursue higher education and or technical education thereby creating skilled educated manpower which is essential for building a developed nation. Therefore, this education makes a foundation for the overall development of the country. And thus it contributes to the socio-economic development of the country.
What city, village and upazilas are this solution impacting?
Slums under Mohammadpur , Dhaka
Which division will this solution be impacting?
- Dhaka
What kind of support do you need to take your idea forward?
CSR Funds, Corporate Partnerships,
how much funds do you need to get started?
BDT 100,000 to 500,000