About the Pitch
Submitted By: Padma Samajkallayan Sangstha
Name of the Solution: Green PEACE
The Pitch in One Sentence:
The family will be aware & adapted, plant trees with the members, grow vegetables and meet 40% of the family basic needs and be financially empowered.
The Initiative in Video:
The Project on Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/groups/279507997200395/permalink/493147992503060/
The Project Website: www.padma.webnode.com
Summary of the Pitch
The main point of this idea is to make the family aware, plant trees with the members, grow vegetables and meet 40% of the family’s basic needs and be financially empowered. The family will use the basted land and the roof of the house for planting trees. Awareness through formation of climate youth clubs in cities and villages and encouraging women. Build climate messenger groups with school-going boys and girls at the village level to promote early warning messages against natural disasters. Discourage the use of chemical fertilizers, and reuse of non-usable and plastic containers and kitchen waste in goat gardens to increase the environmental, nutritional and economic empowerment of housewives and contribute to green urbanization.
What specific problem is this initiative trying to solve?
• Decreasing green spaces • Inculcating a sense of social responsibility and responsibility towards the environment • Future generations are not prepared to deal with climate change. • Women are neglected in community climate resilience initiatives. • Lack of capacity of local governments to plan or implement local adaptation demands • Adaptation to climate change • Proper use of basted land and land around houses • Financial empowerment through climate change adaptation
Details of the Pitched solution
About 41% of the country’s land area is vulnerable to extreme climate change. Among SAARC countries, Bangladesh ranks 1st in terms of long-term climate risk. Populations are multi-hazard at risk. As a result, human settlement, migration, loss of occupation and change of occupation has become casual. The average temperature of Bangladesh is expected to rise by 2 degrees Celsius by 2050 due to global warming. The annual lightning death rate in Bangladesh is 4 times higher than the global average. The population of the project area is exposed to various climate hazards. These include (cyclones, droughts, landslides, unseasonal heavy rains, cold flows, heat flows and hailstorms) and are mainly caused by geographical location. Increase in heavy rains and rising temperatures during monsoon. Almost all households in Jhenaidah district are exposed to drought (98%), hail (96%), cold wave (99%) and heat wave (99%) every year. Youth and adolescents and young people are not yet included in the national dialogue and initiatives to tackle climate change. As this generation will face even greater impacts of climate change, it is important to include them in discussions and effective initiatives now. According to the United Nations Children’s Charter, every person under the age of 18 has the right to participate in decision-making in matters affecting his or her life. Climate-related hazards in the project area are affecting the livelihoods of the population. For example; Agriculture, fisheries, daily labour, houses/houses, livestock and crops are affected. Environmental and climatic hazards are causing health problems in the project area. Health impacts on the income earners of climate change or medical expenses for health problems increase the vulnerability of the economy. Climate-related risks are increasing the prevalence of water-borne diseases, gastrointestinal and temperature-related illnesses and diseases in the project area. Women’s participation in building climate resilient population averages is very limited and virtually neglected. Women’s participation in local development planning is still limited. The wage gap between men and women still exists. Article 4.2: of the Paris Agreement deals with mitigation measures. But no initiative has been taken to involve the people by motivating the urban dwellers to meet the Nationally Determined Contribution targets to achieve the NDC targets. Lack of awareness of integrated adaptation and mitigation activities is hampering climate risk reduction. Without skills and capacity adaptation and population, sustainable climate-resilient development pathways that address climate risk reduction will be difficult to address as government policy targets. Local claims to climate risk reduction remain neglected as local governments do not take coordinated action. Various studies show that the incidence of diseases like dengue, corona, cholera, and malaria will increase significantly due to climate change. However, this risk to public health associated with climate change has not been prominent in the population activities of public or private organizations. The coronavirus pandemic has shown the need to improve local public health services and prioritize health awareness programs among the population. The Green PEACE (Peoples Empowerment for Addressing Climate justice and Environmental Justice) Family concept is one of the solutions of this. If the family aware & take action for Increasing and protect green spaces should be easy to adapt in climate change. The main point of this idea is to make the family aware and plant different types of trees every year with all the family members. The family will use the basted land and the roof of the house for planting trees. They grow vegetables & meet at least 40% of the family’s basic needs. Not only that but also after full fill their need they sold in the local market & earn money. When the family income increases the family dispute is decreasing & adaptation capacity increases. Awareness through the formation of climate youth clubs in cities and villages and encouraging women. Build climate messenger groups with school-going boys and girls at the village level to promote early warning messages against natural disasters. Discourage the use of chemical fertilizers, and reuse of non-usable and plastic containers and kitchen waste in goat gardens to increase the environmental, nutritional and economic empowerment of housewives and contribute to green urbanization. They start home gardening by utilizing fallow land and roofs in backyards. Monitoring activities by forming VDCs at the village level. At the village level women and men awareness programs and capacity building through providing vegetable seeds, planting trees and rearing chickens, cows and goats through nutrition and income. Creating tree-to-tree habitats for birds to preserve biodiversity. Enhancing social security of deserving individuals and families and ensuring sanitary latrines through lobby meetings with Union Parishads. This project will be implemented in Khulna division – Jhenaidah Distract- Sador Upzila- Municipal, Kumrabira Union- Jhopjhopi, Retail and Goalbaria village. In total 100 families were elected as a beneficiary. The families should be converting in a green PEACE family. The family members are aware & adapted to climate change. These are the role models in those villages. The youth work in this project as a volunteer in climate adaptation campaigners. Problems: Land, agricultural production and livelihoods will be lost and displaced. Decrease green spaces. Climate-related health risks will increase. Bangladesh will not be able to achieve its policy goal of sustainable climate resilient low-carbon productive development. Women are neglected in community climate resilience initiatives. Actions were taken to address problems in the project: 1. Community-driven climate adaptation activities in climate risk reduction. 2. Prepare future generations (school students and youth) to adopt sustainable climate resilient low-carbon development lifestyles. 3. Climate risk reduction through the formation of women’s cooperatives for life-sustaining activities 4. Community-led mitigate activity for environmental and climate improvement and producing and distributing information, communication and education materials. 5. Advocacy and campaigns to promote sustainable climate resilient social security and low-carbon development pathways. 6. Women are involved in income-generating activities & financial empowerment. 7. Ensure 40% of basic nutrition is full fill by organic vegetables which grow inside their house. 8. Proper utilization of basted land will be ensured by the project activities.
Impact and Beneficiaries of the Pitched Solution
• 100 families increase adaptation capacity to climate change. • In the cultivation of farming 30% reduction in using of chemical fertilizers and the production of organic fertilizers will increase. • 90 Women will be financially empowered. • 60 sites will be created to produce organic fertilizers from household waste. • 35% of the beneficiary’s house rooftop is used for farming. • Near about 3.36 acres of basted land will be proper utilize for tree planting & vegetable growing. • The gross national product (GDP) of the country will increase. • The number of malnourished patients will decrease. • Family conflict levels will decrease. • Green afforestation will increase.
What city, village and upazilas are this solution impacting?
Khulna division – Jhenaidah Distract- Sador Upzila-Municipal, Kumrabira Union- Jhopjhopi, Routail and Goalbaria village.
Which division will this solution be impacting?
- Khulna
What kind of support do you need to take your idea forward?
CSR Funds
how much funds do you need to get started?
BDT 100,000 to 500,000
About Padma
Padma is a local non-government development organization signifying the name of most potential river of Bangladesh. Padma is a youth based social development organization. Padma was born to come true for the social poverty oppressive, socio-economic and technological discrimination. The village people enough reduce to get information and using of technology. Padma acknowledges to create of entering village living people about information and technology between the Padma’s social knowledge management. Moved by the sorrows and distress of the poor and oppressed humanity, victim of socio economic discrimination in respect of class, cast, creed and gender, a group of educated youth inspired by an inherent to form an organization, as a tool for materializing of their dream-the dream of a democratic society within a stable ecosystem, based on economic equity and social justice, Padma,s emergence in development scenario is not an accident.