Solution Overview

Sneho Mobile Health | Spreeha Bangladesh Foundation

A human centered health-tech solution for patients from remote areas making quality healthcare affordable and easily accessible

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About the Pitch

Submitted By: Spreeha Bangladesh Foundation

Name of the Solution: Sneho Mobile Health

The Pitch in One Sentence:

Sneho Mobile Health is a human centered health-tech solution for individuals, families, and communities making quality healthcare affordable and easily accessible in remote areas via means of native and digital technology.

Partner Organizations for the Project: Local NGOs – 1. Center for Development and Peace (CDP) in Meherpur, 2. Gana Unnyan Kendra (GUK) in Gaibandha, 3. Sundarban Adibashi Munda Sangstha (SAMS) in Satkhira

The Initiative in Video:

From preeha Bangladesh Foundation: Sneho Mobile Health: Making Healthcare Accessible to Remote Places

The Project on Social Media:

Website of the Project:

Summary of the Pitch

Sneho Mobile Health is a human centered health-tech solution for patients from remote areas making quality healthcare affordable and easily accessible via means of digital technology.

What specific problem is this initiative trying to solve? 

Sneho Mobile Health addresses the problem of access to healthcare in remote areas of Bangladesh. Bangladesh suffers from both the shortage and geographical maldistribution of healthcare professionals. It is estimated that there are only 6.73 registered physicians for every 10,000 citizens (MoHFW, Health Bulletin 2019). This gives rise to the issue of unequal access to healthcare services especially in rural and remote areas where people have to travel long distances, spend longer time and more resources to seek medical care. From Spreeha’s experience in Gaibandha, patients have to travel to Gaibandha Sadar from remote areas to see a general physician at health complex. Sometimes, it takes more than two-three days to complete the whole procedure of reaching the health complex/doctor’s chamber, including getting consultation from physician, getting tests done, follow-up with physician, and finally getting back home. The entire process of obtaining healthcare services is more expensive, takes longer time, and requires more effort, resulting in delay in seeking treatment.

Details of the Pitched solution

Addressing the healthcare needs of individuals living in remote areas, in 2021 Spreeha introduced Sneho Mobile Health in Meherpur, Gaibandha, and Satkhira. With the use of digital technology and native knowledge, the project brings healthcare directly to the households of the patient. Hence, doctors are able to treat more patients from remote chambers without having to go to the location physically. Thus, this project saves time, resources, efforts, while ensuring on-time access to affordable and quality healthcare services. The project offers – 1. A door-to-door healthcare service for people living in remote areas, especially for homebound, old, chronically ill, or vulnerable patients. 2. A group of trained community health workers who are equipped with digital technologies to connect patients with physician at the comfort of their home via video call and audio call. 3. Tele-consultation from doctors via video/audio calls. 4. Basic health screening and facilities like first aid, basic medicine, BP check, Glucometer, weight machine to screen the patient remotely at their home/within their community 5. E-prescription from the doctor where the health worker explains both in standard and native language to the patients about the specific use of provided prescription, medicine, and tests to ensure safe medication. Why the solution is unique? Increases accessibility of quality and affordable healthcare on time at the comfort of patients’ home Focuses on homebound, vulnerable, chronically ill patients’ urgent healthcare needs Ensures the efficient use of time, resources, and effort for both patients and doctors Helps to mitigate geographical scarcity and maldistribution of doctors in remote areas  Offers a low-cost and quality healthcare solution in the time of pandemic when healthcare has become expensive and out-of-pocket expenditure has increased Offers employment opportunities to community youth making them health advocates and trained community health workers  Offers an easily replicable and scalable health-tech model where more patients can be reached with limited and native resources

Impact and Beneficiaries of the Pitched Solution

Spreeha has been implementing Telehealth solutions in 5 remote upazillas in 3 districts for over a year now – Meherpur, Gaibandha, and Satkhira. As of June 2022, the project has impacted 2957 patients with general medical conditions, chronic diseases, musculoskeletal diseases, COVID-19 symptoms, and urgent medical needs. As targeted the project has reached homebound, chronically ill, marginalized, and vulnerable patients. Among the patients, 65% are female patients whose healthcare needs are often ignored due to their gender roles and mobility restrictions. Availing doctor consultations from the comfort of home has helped them to improve their health status. The project has also reached the indigenous community in Satkhira. 26% of the total patients are of indigenous identity from Munda Community who are often flood affected and who have to deal with climate change-induced diseases most of the time. 51% of patients are from under-developed areas of Meherpur where they have to travel longer to the central city or to another district (Chuadanga) to avail healthcare services. 23% of patients are from the Char area of Gaibandha who are also vulnerable to climate change-induced diseases and have to travel longer and spend more on healthcare. Future Plan With the expansion of four more Upazilas in Meherpur, Gaibandha, Satkhira, and Jamalpur the solution intends to reach additional 3,000 patients in the next one year with telehealth and continues to make difference in communities living in remote areas. Tailored to the needs of each community, this projects attempt to establish Remote Doctor Chambers (RDC) in each community staffed by paramedics to provide basic emergency medical attention and treatment to underprivileged communities.

What city, village and upazilas are this solution impacting?

 5 upazilas and 1 municipality area in 3 districts – Meherpur, Gaibandha, and Satkhira

Which division will this solution be impacting?

  • Rangpur
  • Mymensingh
  • Khulna

What kind of support do you need to take your idea forward?

CSR Funds

how much funds do you need to get started?

BDT 10,00,000 and above

About Spreeha Bangladesh Foundation

Spreeha Bangladesh inspires change by empowering people. With use of creative solutions, Spreeha enables individuals and communities to rise above social barriers. Spreeha envisions a world where people and communities are empowered to achieve their full potential.

Spreeha Bangladesh Foundation is a Bangladesh based non-profit established in 2012, and was registered under the Trust Act II of 1882, in 2014. It is also registered under NGO Affairs Bureau (Reg. 2957) in 2015 for receiving foreign donations and grants.

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